Unlock the additional savings by claiming your depreciation on the Property Investment. An allowable deduction the ATO allow you to claim to reduce your Taxable Income.
Your property Investment (the building) and all the associated fixtures and fittings lose value as they get used and worn out, like the trees above. A Tax Depreciation Schedule will recoup this loss and allow you to claim it as a deduction to reduce your tax.
Whilst every claim is different our average claim after the first 12 months is $5,520 in the first year. This claim is then used to reduce your taxable income. A depreciation report will set out your claim for 40 years.
By Inspecting every property, a Real Property Matters Surveyor will ensure that every available deduction has been identified and depreciated in accordance with the Guidelines set out by the ATO.
We provide you with a comprehensive report which maximises your depreciation claim and covers the property for its entire depreciation life (40 years).
Once your Tax Depreciation Schedule is completed, there is no more to pay... Ever. Our Tax Depreciation Schedules are broken down into three sections:
For residential properties built after September 15, 1987, current tax legislation states that the built components (walls, roof, floor etc.) can be valued and the construction cost depreciated as per ATO guidelines
Any improvements which have been
completed after 27 February 1992 qualify
to be valued and depreciated. The includes
any fixed assets such as:
pergola, clothesline, fencing, tank, paving
letterbox, shed, swimming pool...
Plant and equipment items, irrelevant of age,
depreciate. They either qualify for annual
deductions or can be claimed at a later date as
a capital loss when the property is sold. This
covers removable assets such as:
kitchen appliances, security systems, hot water
systems, floor coverings, smoke detectors,
window treatments, air conditioning...
Our core business is Tax Depreciation Schedules, it's the reason we exist.
We structure our day to save you money, it is what we love to do. Our supporting services include protective and management strategies that allow you to sleep at night, knowing your investment portfolio is protected and the returns are maximised.
We guarantee that our total claimable
Deductions with capital loss and annual
depreciation WILL BE 4 TIMES our fee*...
IF NOT, there will be no charge for our services.
Real Property Matters are professional Quantity Surveyors and Registered Tax Agents. Only Quantity Surveyors and Registered Tax Agents are able to establish constructions costs for depreciation purposes.
Our reports last you 40 years, the life-time
of your property. To ensure your schedule is
always up to date and current, we will update
the report when something changes